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Roger Macdivitt is running a Three Counties Immunotherapy day. The second event on the day is at The Gurkha Durbar Nepalese Restaurant Headley Road, Grayshott GU26 6LO.

The principle aim of the day is to build long-term support and awareness of the progress and availability of immunotherapy in the three counties. The event is aimed at both professionals and public alike and welcomes those who are undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy or who are facing it. Also, anyone with family history or particular interest in availability and scope.

The second event will mirror event 1 (please check other event’s for more information) and will be hosted by the wonderfully community supportive Gurkha Durbar Nepalese Restaurant in Headley Road Grayshott at 12:30pm.

A light lunch will be provided at £15 per head (curried chicken or vegetable with rice and naan) payable on the day. It is hoped that the three Haslemere hounds representing three charities involved in different ways with immunotherapy research will be present with their sponsors, the therapy representatives, the event organiser, and other supporters of the day. It is hoped to use this as a photo opportunity.

The second event of the Three Counties Immunotherapy day is at The Gurkha Durbar Nepalese Restaurant, Headley Road, Grayshott     GU26 6LO.

Immunotherapy is now becoming a familiar science to the public, as the scope and success of these treatments increases. Real results are now evident in the treatment of many cancers. Bowel, bladder, skin, prostate and gynaecological cancers are just some of the areas being researched and the whole concept is looking likely to become a major part of this century’s oncology armoury.

The human immune system is designs to keep us healthy by using its power to recognise and defeat viruses and bacteria that we all encounter daily, and which may threaten our bodies. Even more than this though, within the armoury there is an ability to identify and recognise unfamiliar proteins giving the body a better chance to control the action of these destructing elements.

At all the events you may hear directly from members of the Targeted Cancer Therapy Oncology team including both charity trustees and research fellows speaking at a level aimed to answer most of our questions as simply as possible.

The team, centered around the Guildford RSCH and Surrey University are just one of the ground breaking world class teams in the country and are based right on our doorstep, they are currently making headline news.

For more information please contact Roger at or by texting 07775772613. Lunch £15, evening event £tba. Profits to immunotherapy research.