During lockdown ToC Together members have supported each other through WhatsApp. Now that members can meet face to face again we are reforming the group in a new venue and, hopefully, in collaboration with other cancer charities. We intend to get this off the ground early in the new year so do watch this page for further information.

The group is a good forum for advice and will provide positive motivation from people who are going through a similar experience. Meetings are relaxed and informal, giving everyone the opportunity to help each other through their own experience of cancer, as a family member, friend, patient, survivor or medical practitioner. Throughout the year there will be activities, speakers, discussions and informal chats, and most importantly whatever the members would like to add to the list.


ToC Together Guildford Support Group
Turnfit Studio
Blenheim House
1-2 Bridge Street

Telephone: 07909 650336
Email: chair@topicofcancer.org.uk

Date and Time
Every 2nd Friday of the month at 7pm - 8.30pm

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